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Shree Janata Secondary School (जनता माध्यमिक विद्यालय) is a full-fledged non-profit oriented educational institution (COMMUNITY SCHOOL) with a long and glorious academic history. CLICK FOR DETAILS>>

Date Converter

Date Converter converts Bikram sambat Nepali Date to English date and English date to Nepali Date. It is also use in india to convert dates from english (A.D) and english to B.S date. Usually Bikram Sambat is used in Nepal and India. Country like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thiland and Malaysia also use Bikram sambat or Vikram sambat to convert to Gregorian calendar (A.D).

Now "Bikram(Vikram) Sambat Nepali Date Converter" (Version 5.6) Can convert dates from Nepali Date(1970-2100)B.S and from English Date (1913-2043)A.D. Bikram Sambat is specially use in Nepal and India. Nepali Date Converter(from version 1 to 5.6) is functioning almost around 6 year, in this time several error are fixed. Nepali Date Converter (V 5.6) was tested individually for each dates. So the results are 100% accurate till now. If you found any error then please comment