Welcome to Janata Secondary School (जनता माध्यमिक विद्यालय) Gauradaha Municipality-01, Jhapa, Nepal. Phone: +977-23480311 Email: email@janatasecschool.edu.np /janatasecschool@gmail.com Web: www.janatasecschool.edu.np
Shree Janata Secondary School (जनता माध्यमिक विद्यालय) is a full-fledged non-profit oriented educational institution (COMMUNITY SCHOOL) with a long and glorious academic history. CLICK FOR DETAILS>>



The mission of Janata Secondary School (JSS), a diverse community of learners with a rich tradition of excellence, is to ensure that each student accomplishes academic success, personal growth, and social responsibility by providing a safe and enriching learning environment customized to each students needs and aspirations as much as situation and resource permits. 


To be the top producer of successful students in the nation with Excellence and High Expectations with a Commitment to All


To focus our efforts to accomplish our mission and achieve our vision, six goals are set as follows:
:: 1.   Intense Focus on Student Achievement 
:: 2.   High-Performing and Dedicated Team 
:: 3.   Safe Learning and Working Environment 
:: 4.   Efficient Operations with financial sustainability 
:: 5.   Sustained Community Engagement
:: 6.   Performance-Based Culture


·    Effective leaders and classroom teachers have a profound impact on children’s lives.
·         All children can learn and JSS can close the achievement gap.
·         JSS can be an efficient, effective, performance-based organization.
·    Community collaboration is fundamental to achieving and sustaining excellence.
·         JSS should provide a safe, healthy learning environment for students and staff.

Educational Equity

The JSS is fully in favor of the commitment to equity for all students, staff and parents of the school student. JSS expects every individual to be treated in a fair and equitable manner in all places and in all activities. All conduct will reflect a belief in the dignity and value of each person regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, genetic information, veteran status, marital status or age.

The school team, the faculty, staff, students, parents and community share the responsibility for educating each individual student, emphasizing the development of academic, technical, artistic, vocational, leadership, and interpersonal skills.  These skills can best be developed in a nurturing and friendly environment where students from diverse backgrounds can experience a feeling of acceptance and self worth, resulting in their becoming positive contributors to our school, our community, our nation, and our world.